The Garden and the Wilderness has been nominated for Best Short Film at the Golden Egg Film Festival. The film's director, Craig Whitney, also received a nomination for Best Director of a Short Film.
The Golden Egg Film Festival awards ceremony and a reception for the nominees is scheduled to take place at the Working State Theater in Los Angeles on February 24, 2014. A complete list of the nominees can be found by visiting the festival's website.
The Golden Egg Film Festival awards ceremony and a reception for the nominees is scheduled to take place at the Working State Theater in Los Angeles on February 24, 2014. A complete list of the nominees can be found by visiting the festival's website.
The Golden Egg Film Festival will mark the 12th festival appearance and California festival premiere for The Garden and the Wilderness. The festival takes place from February 20-24, 2014 at the Working Stage Theater. Tickets for the festival are now available online.
Additional information about The Garden and the Wilderness and the film's upcoming festival screenings can be found by visiting the film’s information page on this website. Additional information about the Golden Egg Film Festival can be found on the festival's website at
Additional information about The Garden and the Wilderness and the film's upcoming festival screenings can be found by visiting the film’s information page on this website. Additional information about the Golden Egg Film Festival can be found on the festival's website at