The ninth and penultimate episode of The Red Note podcast, "The Imaginary War", is now available in both English and Spanish on Apple, Spotify, and other major podcasting platforms.
You can listen and subscribe to all nine available episodes of the podcast in English through this link, or in Spanish by clicking on the following link.
Episode 9 of The Red Note podcast examines the years between 2008 and 2012, when conflicts between gangs, cartels, and federal troops transformed Juarez into "the most dangerous city in the world". In edition to exploring the cause of this violence, the episode examines the emotional toll that these years had on the lives of women living in the city during this period.
You can listen and subscribe to all nine available episodes of the podcast in English through this link, or in Spanish by clicking on the following link.
Episode 9 of The Red Note podcast examines the years between 2008 and 2012, when conflicts between gangs, cartels, and federal troops transformed Juarez into "the most dangerous city in the world". In edition to exploring the cause of this violence, the episode examines the emotional toll that these years had on the lives of women living in the city during this period.
Episode 9 Synopsis (listen to episode 9)
“Chapo” Guzman’s Sinaloa Cartel tries to seize control of drug trafficking in Juarez, plunging the city into years of crime and bloodshed. Mexican President Felipe Calderon sends federal troops in the hopes of ending the conflict; but by 2010, Juarez has become the most dangerous city in the world. The war leaves a permanent scar on the city, and in the hearts of local residents caught up in the violence.
“Chapo” Guzman’s Sinaloa Cartel tries to seize control of drug trafficking in Juarez, plunging the city into years of crime and bloodshed. Mexican President Felipe Calderon sends federal troops in the hopes of ending the conflict; but by 2010, Juarez has become the most dangerous city in the world. The war leaves a permanent scar on the city, and in the hearts of local residents caught up in the violence.
Sinopsis del Episodio 9 (eschucha el episodio 9)
El Cártel de Sinaloa, liderado por el “Chapo” Guzmán, intenta tomar control del tráfico de drogas en Ciudad Juárez, hundiendo a la ciudad en un baño de sangre por años. Felipe Calderón, presidente de México en éste periodo, envió tropas militares, según para acabar con el narcotráfico; pero en 2010, Ciudad Juárez se convirtió en “La ciudad más violenta del mundo”. Esta guerra abrió una herida que dejó una cicatriz permanente en la vida de todos aquellos que quedaron inmersos en la violencia.
El Cártel de Sinaloa, liderado por el “Chapo” Guzmán, intenta tomar control del tráfico de drogas en Ciudad Juárez, hundiendo a la ciudad en un baño de sangre por años. Felipe Calderón, presidente de México en éste periodo, envió tropas militares, según para acabar con el narcotráfico; pero en 2010, Ciudad Juárez se convirtió en “La ciudad más violenta del mundo”. Esta guerra abrió una herida que dejó una cicatriz permanente en la vida de todos aquellos que quedaron inmersos en la violencia.